베트남 호주학생비자
학생비자 신청 방법
1. School Application
접수 필요서류
(1) 여권사본
(2) 지원서
(3) 영어 테스트 성적
(4) 고등학교 부터 마지막 최종학력, 성적증명서
(5) GTE
ㆍGTE – 학업계획서 작성 : 호주 학생비자를 신청하는 이유가 순수한 학업 목적이며 양질의 교육과정을 통해 본인의 역량향상에 어떻게 도움이 될 것인지에 대한 사유서입니다. 호주이민성의 비자거절 사유 중 상당수가 GTE에 관한 것으로 GTE 작성은 신중하게 작성해야 하며,
1. 현재 어떤 신분인지 - 베트남 국적의 학생/직장인
2. 학생이라면 전공과 공부하는 학문, 직장인이라면 재직중인 회사와 직무에 대한 정보
3. 호주에서 신청한 수업 과정에 대한 내용, 왜 그 과정이 필요한지
4. 유학할 국가로 왜 호주를 선택했는지
5. 호주에서 학업하는 동안 재정적으로는 지원을 받을 수 있는지, 혹은 스스로 지원할 수 있는 충분한 자금이 있는지
(호주학생비자로 워크퍼밋이 주어지지만 그 비용으로 호주체류비용을 충당할 것이라고 하면 안됩니다.)
6. 호주에서 학업을 마치고 베트남으로 올 것인지 (무조건 베트남으로 올 것이라고 적어야 합니다.)
7. 호주에서의 학업이 현재 직업/학업에 어떤 영향을 줄 수 있는지, 미래의 취업에 어떤 작용을 할 수 있는지
(쉽게 말해 호주에서의 학업을 한국에 와서 어떻게 활용할 것인지)
8. 호주 유학 학업 계획
2. 학교별 영어 인터뷰 후 COE 입학허가서 발급
3. OSHC 보험증서
4. 비자 접수
Required documents :
1. Passport
2. Birth certificate
3. CoE
4. OSHC document
5. Genuine Temporary Entrant(GTE)
6. Bank Statement
7. English Language Test score
8. Employment history
9. Change of name
Biometrics collection required after submition of application
5. 생체인식
Required documents
1.Original Passport
2. Letter for Biometrics from Embassy
3. Cash/Credit or Debit Card
4. Applicant self-present
1. biometric (생체 정보 등록 ) cost : VND 478,000
2.medical check (신체검사) 병원에 직접 연락
1) International Organization for Migration (IOM) Hanoi
Street address: 10th Floor, Building 72 Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower . Pham Hung Street Me Tri ward NamTuLiem district, Hanoi
Phone: +84 24 3736 6258
2 ) International Organization for Migration (IOM) Ho Chi Minh
Street address: 1B Pham Ngoc Thach, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City +
Phone : +84 28 3822 2057 +82 28 3822 2058 +84 28 3822 2061
3 ) Ho Chi Minh City : Raffles Medical
Street address: 167A Nam Ky Khol Nghia Street District 3 Ho Chi Minh City
Phone : +84 28 3824 0777
학생비자 조건
호주 학업기간만큼 승인됩니다 (10개월 +1개월 10개월 초과 +2개월) / 한국 신청시 학교 시작일 기준 3개월전부터 신청 / 승인 후 언제든 출국 가능(보험가입 필수)
2주 40시간 일가능 / 종료 후 새로운 학생비자 신청
Passport Must be scanned in colour
Certificate of Family Relationship
Birth Certificate
Change of Name Certificate if applicable
Certificate of Military Service if applicable
Certificate of Marriage
Certificate & Transcript of schools Since Hishschool
English certificate or Result of exam Language school or IELTS, PTE…
Bank statement Minimum(OFFSHORE) : $20,290 + $2,000 + Tuition fee for fist year
What is the purpose of your trip?
This question is mainly asked to verify the information submitted in the visa application. Make sure you state the same purpose as in application (For example: I want to pursue higher education in Australia)
What is your qualification?
Provide a brief overview of your degree and the university you are graduated from. (For example: I am an MBA graduate from XYZ university)
Why did you choose Australia for studies?
Currently, Australia is one of the leading education powerhouses with a range of quality study options for local and international students. It also has a strong international reputation for excellence; hence I chose this country to build a strong foundation for my future success.
Have you visited Australia before?
You need to provide an appropriate answer for this question. If you’ve been to Australia just mention the reason for the trip along with the year of visit.
How did you find the university and why you want to get admission in it?
I did an extensive research on this university and found out that all their programs are well-structured and suitable for the field I want to step in. As a result, I decided to take the guidance from the education consultants for the visa process. (Mention the name of the education consultants if asked)
Where is the university located?
Since you have done a thorough research before applying in a university, visa officer expects you to tell its location correctly. (You can say, for instance, The University is located in Melbourne and its name is XYZ.)
Can you please tell me something about your course?
Provide an honest statement mentioning about your course. (For example, it is a Master of Social Entrepreneurship which includes exploration of social enterprise field, impact investing, environmental sustainability and global social impact.)
What is the scope or benefit of your course?
This course will provide me many opportunities to get higher job prospects in multinational firms whether at local or international level.
How much does your course cost?
Here you need to provide the exact cost quoted in your Certificate of Enrolment (COE).
Where did you complete your education before applying in Australia?
Provide detailed information on your academic qualifications and the university you studied in.
Could you please show me your TOEFL/IELTS/PTE results?
My IELTS band score is 7.5 in Reading, 7.0 in Listening, 6.5 in speaking and 8.0 in writing.
Why you have scored so low in speaking?
Yes, I got little confused. It took me a while to understand from where to start, thus failed to manage the given time effectively.
How will you manage to finance your living expenses during your course of study in Australia?
Here you can provide bank statement or loan documents as your documentary proof to support your living expenses.
What are your plans after completing your course in Australia?
As the student visa does not permit to continue living in Australia once the course is finished, you need to provide an answer that strongly shows your desire to return to your home country.
What will you do during your semester breaks?
I will come back to visit my family and friends.
Who is sponsoring you finance?
Name the person who is going to sponsor and your relation with the person. Also, mention the reason why the sponsor is helping you in finance.
What does your father do for a living and what is his annual income?
Provide a statement that clearly demonstrates your father’s occupation and his annual income. You may also need to provide details of the amount your father pay to income tax.
Why you should be granted for a student visa?
I never had any gaps in my studies. Besides, the transcripts and certificates from school clearly show that I am a genuine student.
What your course commencement and completion date?
Tell them the joining date of your course and at what date it will end.
How can you ensure you’ll return back to your home country after completing your course of study in Australia?
Well, my only aim to get this visa is to get quality education from Australia and serve my nation. I also have many responsibilities towards my family so I need to come back to look after and take care of them.
Do you have any idea about the refund policy? If yes, then please explain.
Yes I know about it.
International students who cancel their admission to a program of study before semester commencement will be charged the fee equivalent to a single subject fee.
These penalties are waived where a student cancels due to serious illness or personal misadventure - as deemed by the DVC.
Fees are credited to students’ account and are held for a period of twelve months, after which the monies will be forfeited.
International students whose visa application is rejected will receive a full refund of fees. Proof of visa rejection must be submitted to the Office of Admissions in writing.
Do you know about OSHC and why it is necessary for an international student to apply?
Yes, its full form is Overseas Student Health Cover. It is a health insurance necessary for international students in case they get sick or injured during the course of study.
What if your visa gets rejected?
I will make sure not to repeat the mistake and prepare again for the whole visa process thoroughly.