2학년 전공과정으로 진학을 위해 패스웨이 과정에서 학점관리와 수업선택을 잘 하셔야 합니다.
선택 가능한 전공목록
Social Sciences
Anthropology, Economics, Environmental Studies, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology
Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, Statistics
Undeclared (Foundational year)
아래전공으로 2학년 진학을 위해서는 추가수업과 학점이 필요합니다.
Business(Peter B. Gustavson School)
BCom specializing in one of the following areas: International Business, ntrepreneurship or Service Management.
*Students can apply to the Business program in year 2
Elementary, Middle Years, Secondary, Kinesiology, Recreation & Health Education
Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering
*Students can apply to a specific Engineering program upon completion of required courses for program admission
Fine Arts
Art History & Visual Studies, Music, Theatre,Visual Arts, Writing
Human & Social Development
Child & Youth Care, Health Information Science,Public Administration, Social Work
English, French, Germanic & Slavic Studies, Greek & Roman Studies, Hispanic & Italian Studies, History, Latin American Studies, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Pacific & Asian Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Women’s Studies
패스웨이 과정의 학생들도 높은 입학의 문턱을 넘었기 때문에 UVic 학생으로서 학교의 모든 시설을 이용할 수 있습니다. 체육시설, 수영장, 동아리, 도서관, 컴퓨터랩을 이용하고, 아카데믹 담당자에게 진학과 수업선택의 도움을 받을 수 있습니다.