연수전문 고객센터문의

사우스 플로리다 대학

국가검색 미국

학교평가 (4.8)

사우스 플로리다 대학

University of South Florida (USF)

사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 120명
  • 공항마중
  • Yes
  • 연락처
  • 1-813-974-3433
  • 팩스
  • 1-813-974-2769
  • 주소
  • INTO University of South Florida 4202 East Fowler Street Tampa , Florida , 33620-5550 , U.S.A.

추천 포인트

  • 대도시
  • 학교 내 기숙사/숙박
  • 학교 밖 숙박시설
  • 대학 프로그램
  • 조건부 대학입학 가능


  • - 미국의 여러 개 주와 100개국 이상의 나라에서 모인 학생들과 함께 생활하고 배우고 즐길 수 있습니다.
    - 대학교의 학위 프로그램 입학을 위한 학점을 이수할 수 있습니다.
    - 사우스 플로리다 대학의 대학진학 패스웨이 프로그램에 참여한 학생들 중 95%는 사우스 플로리다 대학의 학위 프로그램에 입학하였습니다.


  • 2006년도부터 INTO는 수 천명의 국제 학생들이 미국에의 공부를 위한 첫 걸음을 뗄 수 있도록 최선을 다해 도와주었습니다. 미국의 많은 상위 대학 캠퍼스에서 진행되는INTO 프로그램은 국제 학생들에게 다양한 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램과 집중 영어 프로그램을 제공합니다. 이 모든 프로그램은 학생들이 높은 성과를 이룰 수 있도록 편안한 교육 환경에서 다양한 후원을 제공합니다. INTO에서 제공하는 프로그램에 참여하는 학생은 미국 대학에서의 흥미로운 대학 생활을 즐길 수 있습니다. 학생들은 미국 대학에서 생활하고 공부하면서 미국인 학생들을 포함한 여러 국제 학생들과 함께 친목을 쌓을 수 있으며 각 대학이 제공하는 학습 활동, 사회 활동, 그리고 문화활동에 활발하게 참여할 수 있습니다. INTO는 국제 학생들이 미국에서 성공적으로 교육을 받거나 학위를 취득할 수 있도록 학생들을 철저하게 준비시켜줍니다. 또한 학생들은 교육을 받음과 동시에 미국 대학의 친절함과 활기와 다양한 환경을 즐길 수 있습니다.

사우스 플로리다 대학 관하여

  • USF로 알려진 사우스 플로리다 대학은 플로리다 주립 대학 시스템 기관의 멤버이며 미국 플로리다 탬파에 있는 공공 연구 대학교 입니다. 1956년에 설립된 USF는 2013년의 총 40,111명 학생들로 플로리다 주에서 5번째로 가장 큰 공립 대학교 입니다. USF는 캠퍼스 INST에 있습니다. 사라 소타 및 레이크랜드에 Petersburg와 캠퍼스들이 있습니다. USF는 교육의 발전을위한 카네기 재단에서 "매우 높은 연구"기관으로 알려지고 플로리다에서 높은 수업의 수준을 유지하는 3개의 대학 중 하나입니다. 2010년 순위에서, 지적 재산권 소유자 협회는 USF를 미국에서 특허된 전 세계의 모든 대학 중 9번째로 선정 하였습니다. 대학은 18억 달러의 연간 예산과 37억달러의 연간 경제 효과를 가지고 있습니다. 국립 과학 재단에 의한 순위에서, USF는 가장 높은 연구 비용을 가지고 있는 50번째 대학교입니다.

프로그램 설명

  • 수업 포커스와 장점 : 
    아카데믹 영어 프로그램은 미국에서의 대학 입학을 희망하는 학생들을 위해 디자인된 수업입니다. 이 프로그램은 학생들에게 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기, 듣기와 같은 전반적인 영어 실력을 향상시켜줌과 더불어 미국 대학에서의 성공적인 학습을 위한 전문적 기술에 대한 교육을 제공합니다. 이 프로그램을 성공적으로 완수하는 학생들은 INTO의 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램에 참여할 수 있는 기회 혹은 미국 대학의 학사 학위 프로그램의 입학 기회가 제공됩니다. 

    커리큘럼 : 
    아카데믹 영어 프로그램은 학생들이 대학 진학 패스웨이 프로그램 또는 미국 대학의 학사 학위 프로그램에 입학 할 수 있도록 도와주는 지름길입니다. 실력 있고 경험이풍부한 강사진들과 함께 학생들은 심도 깊은 영어 수업을 받게 됩니다. 또한 학생들은 콜로라도 주립대 학생의 자격으로 캠퍼스의 모든 편의시설을 사용할 수 있으며 여러 이벤트에 참여할 수 있습니다. 이 프로그램은6가지의 레벨로 나위어져 있으며 각 수업에10명에서 15명의 학생이 참여하게 됩니다.모든 수업은 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기에 중점을 두며 학생들이 미국식 교육방식에 적응할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 

    수업시간 : 
    프로그램에 따라 수업 스케줄이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 정보

수업 규모 15 Students 수업 기간 14, 28 Weeks
수업 레벨 6 비자 정보 I-20 발행
최소 연령 18 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • 특별히 없음

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 14, 28주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
14 Week 28 Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 7,650 (USD)$ 15,300
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Interdisciplinary Classical Civilizations
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Italian
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Broadcast News
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Broadcast - Program and Production
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Journalism - Magazine
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Journalism - News Editorial
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Public Relations
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Advertising
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Public Health
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Africana Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Music Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physical Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Science Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Science Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Communication Sciences and Disorders - Language-Speech-Hearing
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Criminology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Dance
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Russian
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - English - Literary Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Studio Art
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - English - Professional Writing, Rhetoric and Technology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Studio Art
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - French
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Studio Art
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Spanish
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Quantitative Economics and Econometrics
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Quantitative Economics and Econometrics
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Spanish
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Statistics
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Humanities and Cultural Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - German
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Humanities and Cultural Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Global Business
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Humanities and Cultural Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - History
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Dance - Ballet
    Bachelor of Arts - Dance - Dance Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - Dance - Modern Dance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Interdisciplinary Classical Civilizations
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Design
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Performance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Performance
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Performance
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Theatre Arts
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Performance
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Theatre Arts
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physical Education - Exercise Science
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Acoustic and Electric Composition
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Jazz Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Behavioral Healthcare
    Bachelor of Science - Advertising
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Behavioral Healthcare
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Advertising
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Behavioral Healthcare
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Aging Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Aging Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Engineering
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Italian
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Broadcast - Program and Production
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Broadcast News
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Journalism - Magazine
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Journalism - News Editorial
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications - Public Relations
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Sciences
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Music Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Philosophy
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physical Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physics
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Exploratory Business
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Political Science
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Cell and Molecular Biology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Psychology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Religious Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Russian
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science and Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Spanish
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science and Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education - Pre Kindergarten/Primary
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Statistics
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Geology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Geology
    $25,970.00 USD
    2-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - English Education with ESOL Endorsement
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Geology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Biology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Microbiology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science and Policy
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Exceptional Student Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Finance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Health Sciences
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Design
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Finance
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Performance
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Exploratory Business
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Theatre Arts
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Information Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Exploratory Business
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Information Studies
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Arts - Physical Education - Exercise Science
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Information Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Acoustic and Electric Composition
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Jazz Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Music - Music Performance
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Accounting
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Advertising
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Aging Studies
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Geology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Science Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Science Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Integrative Animal Biology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Long Term Care Administration
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Long Term Care Administration
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Management
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Sciences
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Art History
    Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Dance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Cell and Molecular Biology
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Music Education
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Acoustic and Electric Composition
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematics Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Music - Music Performance - Jazz Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Music - Music Performance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Medical Technology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Music Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Microbiology
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science and Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Computer Engineering
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Music Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Computer Science and Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education - Pre Kindergarten/Primary
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physical Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physics
    $25,970.00 USD
    1-Semester Pathway + Bachelor of Science - English Education with ESOL Endorsement
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Public Health
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Biology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Science Education - Biology Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Microbiology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Bachelor of Science - Science Education - Chemistry Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science and Policy
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Exceptional Student Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Design
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Bachelor of Science - Science Education - Physics Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Finance
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Performance
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Social Sciences Education
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Africana Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Social Work
    $25,970.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology
    Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Sciences
    Bachelor of Science - Cell and Molecular Biology
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication
    Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Literary Studies
    Bachelor of Arts - English - Professional Writing, Rhetoric and Technology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Geology
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Biology
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Microbiology
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science and Policy
    Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Geology
    Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - German
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Integrative Animal Biology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - General (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Long Term Care Administration
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - History
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Management
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Business (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Marketing
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Integrative Animal Biology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mathematics Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Interdisciplinary Classical Civilizations
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Engineering (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Medical Technology
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Microbiology
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Visual and Performing Arts (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Music Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Arts - World Languages and Cultures - Italian
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Education (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physical Education
    $23,612.00 USD
    Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway - Natural and Health Sciences (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Bachelor of Science - Physics
    $23,612.00 USD
    International Year One - Undergraduate Pathway

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 95

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



학교 등록비
학 비
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 17,342
Week Week Week Week Week


  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Biomedical Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Finance
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Chemical Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Engineering
    Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science - Computer Science
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Electrical Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Information Technology
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Engineering Management - Engineering Management
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Management
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Marketing
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Finance
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Materials Science and Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Industrial Engineering
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Microbiology
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Information Technology
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Management
    Master of Fine Arts - Art
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Physics
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Marketing
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Materials Science and Engineering
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Microbiology
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Physics
    Master of Arts - Music Education
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Physics
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Urban and Community Design
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Urban and Community Design
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Urban and Regional Planning
    Master of Science - Management - Management Information Systems
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Chemistry
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Communication
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Fine Arts - Creative Writing
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - English - Literature
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - English - Rhetoric and Composition
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Environmental Science and Policy
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - French
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Africana Studies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Social and Political Thought
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Linguistics - English as a Second Language
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Philosophy - Philosophy and Religion
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Supply Chain Management
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Religious Studies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Sociology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Spanish
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Accountancy - Assurance
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Business Administration - Business Administration - Sport Business
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Finance
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Criminal Justice Administration
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Criminology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Gerontology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Management
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Marketing - Marketing
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Architecture
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Art History
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Speech-Language Pathology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Urban and Community Design
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Accountancy - Tax
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biology - Cell Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biology - Ecology and Evolution
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biology - Environmental and Ecological Microbiology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biology - Physiology and Morphology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Economics
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Geology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - History - American History
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - History - Ancient History
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - History - European History
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - History - Latin American History
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - History - Medieval History
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Counselor Education - School Counseling
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - American Studies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Film Studies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - College Student Affairs
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Humanities
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Mathematics - Pure and Applied
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Mathematics
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Microbiology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Biology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Chemistry
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Physics
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Social Science
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: TESOL
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Political Science
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Statistics
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Education - Educational Leadership
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Urban and Regional Planning
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Chemical Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Teaching - English Education
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Computer Science - Computer Science
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Exercise Science - Health and Wellness
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Exercise Science - Strength and Conditioning
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Information Technology - Information Technology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Foreign Language Education
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Middle Grades Mathematics (5-9)
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Science Education
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Teaching - Social Science Education
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Geography
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Geography
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Geography
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Sustainability Policy
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Sustainable Business
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Political Science - Africana Studies
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Electrical Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Engineering Management - Engineering Management
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Engineering for International Development
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biomedical Engineering - Biomedical Engineering - Pharmacy
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Materials Science and Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering
    Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Environmental Science and Policy
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Climate Change and Sustainability
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Environmental Science and Policy
    Master of Science - Management - Human Resources Management
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Entrepreneurship
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Management - Project Management
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Food Sustainability and Security
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - American Studies
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Sustainable Energy
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Film Studies
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Sustainable Tourism
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Humanities
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Sustainable Transportation
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability - Water Sustainability
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Accountancy - Corporate
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Architecture
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Science - Biotechnology - Biotechnology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Medical Sciences - Aging and Neuroscience
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Medical Sciences - Anatomy
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Applied Anthropology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Chemistry - Non-Thesis Option
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Economics
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Science - Medical Sciences - Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Global Sustainability
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Medical Sciences - Molecular Medicine
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Medical Sciences - Women's Health
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Sustainability
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Science - Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - History
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Health Administration - Health Administration
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Behavioral Health
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Applied Biostatistics
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Environmental and Occupational Health
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Epidemiology
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - American Studies
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Epidemiology and Global and Communicable Diseases
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Film Studies
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Epidemiology and Global Health
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Liberal Arts - Humanities
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Epidemiology and Maternal and Child Health
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Mass Communications
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Public Health - Public Health - Genetic Counseling
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Global Communicable Disease
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Mass Communications
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Global Health Practice
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Mathematics - Pure and Applied
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Arts - Philosophy
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Health Care Organizations and Management
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Health Policies and Programs
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Statistics
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Business Administration - Business Administration
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Maternal and Child Health
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Business Administration - Business Administration
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Architecture
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Economics
    Master of Public Health - Public Health - Public Health Education
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Mathematics
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Global Sustainability
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Biology
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Chemistry
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Physics
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: TESOL
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Mass Communications
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Mathematics - Pure and Applied
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Religious Studies
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Religious Studies
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Arts - Statistics
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Business Administration - Business Administration
    Master of Public Administration - Public Administration
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Master of Science - Applied Behavior Analysis
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Mathematics
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Biology
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Chemistry
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: Physics
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Biomedical Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Secondary Education: TESOL
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Business Analytics and Information Systems
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (1-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Environmental Engineering - Environmental Engineering
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Chemical Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering
    $15,864.00 USD
    $30.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Engineering - Computer Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Computer Science - Computer Science
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Electrical Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Engineering Management - Engineering Management
    $31,470.00 USD
    Graduate Pathway (2-Semester Pathway) Transfer to Master of Science - Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks 숙박 옵션 학교 내 기숙사/숙박, 학교 밖 숙박시설


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 79
    Min IELTS overall: 6.5
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 105
    For conditional admission, you are required to provide English proficiency scores:
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 95

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



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(USD)$ 15,864
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  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

위 치

숙박 옵션

  • 아파트 자립 생활을 위한 가장 큰 기회를 줍니다. 아파트는 프라이버시를 존중 하고 공동체 참여를 쉽게 찾을 수 있게 나이가 있는 사람들을 위해 훌륭한 선택을 제공합니다. 그들은 싱글 또는 더블 룸을 사용할 수 있습니다. 시설로는 룸메이트 끼리 공유 할 수 있는냉장고와 가스레인지를 포함한 주방, 소파, 의자, 욕실을 갖추고 있는거실이 있습니다. 


  • 사우스 플로리다 대학은 학생들이 아름다운 해안 지역에서 즐거움을 즐길 수 있는 탬파의 아름다운 도시에 있습니다. 탬파는 탬파 베이라고 불리는 플로리다의 서쪽 해안에 위치한 아름다운 도시입니다. 여기에 살고있는 학생들은 도시 생활의 즐거움뿐만 아니라 자연의 아름다움으로 즐길 수 있습니다. 프로리다의 가장 방문하고 흥미로운 대도시의 두 올랜도와 마이애미는 버스, 자동차, 또는 비행기로 쉽게 접근 할 수 있습니다. 탬파베이는 밤에 즐길 수 있는 다양한 엔터테인먼트와 장소를 제공합니다. 쇼핑에서 춤 또는 해변에 산책 까지 탬파 베이는 금요일 밤에 할 수 있는 재미있는 것들을 실망 시키지 않습니다.


  • 주차장, 식당 시설, 학생 센터, 레크리에이션 센터, 체육 시설, 경기장


  • 47,000 명 이상의 학생들이 사우스 플로리다 (USF)의 대학에 입학합니다. 학생들은 한국과 중국 등 세계 여러 나라에서 옵니다.


FAQ 질문

Image 2015-11-25 15:19:40


Q: 有打算計畫要去念語言課程,但學校周邊環境對我來說是非常重要的,因此想知道關於學校週邊的環境?? A: 您好,感謝您的詢問,關於學校周邊環境請參考以下內容。 南佛羅里達大學位於美麗的城市-坦帕,學生可以享受城市生活,以及迷人的海岸。坦帕位於美國佛羅里達州的西海岸,名叫坦帕灣的區域。住在這裡的學生將享有城市的生活,以及該地區的自然美景。


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Image 2015-11-25 15:23:05



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