연수전문 고객센터문의

미네소타 주립 대학

국가검색 미국

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미네소타 주립 대학

Minnesota State University, Mankato

사진첩 학교에질문하기

학교 정보

기본 정보

  • 정원(재학생수)
  • 15000명
  • 공항마중
  • 연락처
  • +15073891866
  • 팩스
  • 주소
  • 228, Wiecking Center, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mankato, MN 56001, United States

추천 포인트


  • - 90개 이상의 국가에서 온 1,300명 이상의 국제 학생들을 포함한 14,000명 이상의 학생
    - 200개 이상의 학술 학생 그룹, 교내 스포츠, 지도자 및 종교 단체
    - 신입생과 2학년 학생들은 기숙사 거주 권장

미네소타 주립 대학 관하여

  • 미네소타 주립 대학교 만카토(MSU 또는 MNSU)는 미네소타주 만카토에 있는 공립 대학교입니다. 1858년 제2주립사범학교로 설립되었으며, 1866년 만카토에서 지정되었고, 1868년 만카토사범학교로 공식 개교했습니다. 그것은 미네소타 주립 대학 시스템에서 두 번째로 오래된 구성원입니다. 이 대학은 또한 미국에서 두 번째로 큰 대학이며 전 세계적으로 123,000명 이상의 졸업생이 살고 있습니다. 7개의 주립 대학교 중에서 가장 포괄적이며 미네소타 주립 대학교 시스템의 대표적인 대학교로 언급됩니다. 그것은 미네소타주의 경제에 매년 7억 8100만 달러 이상을 추가하기 때문에 남부 미네소타주와 주 경제의 중요한 부분입니다.

프로그램 설명

  • Accounting, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Alcohol and Drug Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    American Indigenous Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    American Indigenous Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Anthropology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Anthropology, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Alcohol and Drug Studies, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Applied Health Science, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Health and Physical Education, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Applied Leadership, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Art, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Art, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Art Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Art History, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Graphic Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Automotive Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Aviation, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Integrated Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Engineering (BSE)
    Biochemistry, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biochemistry, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Biology, General Non Specialized, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Cytotechnology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Ecology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Microbiology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Plant Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Toxicology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biology, Zoology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Biotechnology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Business Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Chemistry, ACS Approved, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Chemistry, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering (BSCE)
    Cognitive Science, Biology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Cognitive Science, Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Communication Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Integrated Communication, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mass Communication, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Mass Communication, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mass Communication, Public Relations, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Communication Sciences and Disorders, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Computer Application Development, Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
    Computer Information Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Computer Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Construction Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Construction Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Corrections, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Dance, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Dance, Bachelor of Science (BS), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance Therapy Pre-Professional, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance Private Studio Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dance Education K-12, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science Teaching (5-12), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Economics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Economics, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Creative Writing, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Creative Writing, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Communication Arts and Literature - Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    English Literature, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    English Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Technical Communication, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Environmental Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Ethnic Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Exercise Science – General Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Exercise Science – Pre Physical Therapy, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Dietetics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Child Development and Family Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Foods and Nutrition, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Family Consumer Science Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Film and Media Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Finance, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Food Science Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    French Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    French, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    French, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Gender and Women's Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Gender and Women's Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Geography, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Geography, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Geography: Professional, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Geology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    German, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    German, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    German Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Health and Physical Education, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Health Informatics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    History, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    History, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Humanities, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Engineering (BSE)
    Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    International Business, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Law Enforcement, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Marketing, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Management Information Systems, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Mathematics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Medical Laboratory Science, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Music Education Instrumental General Music K-12, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Music Education Vocal General Music K-12, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Music Industry - Songwriting and Audio Production, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Nursing, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    RN Baccalaureate Completion Online, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Honors in Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Music Industry, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physical Education & Developmental Adapted Physical Education (DAPE), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Political Science, BS, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Political Science, BA, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Psychology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Leisure Planning Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Resource Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Therapeutic Recreation, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Scandinavian Studies, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Chemistry Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science Teaching (5-12), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Life Science Teaching (5-12), Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Chemistry Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Earth Science Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Life Science Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Physics Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Social Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Social Studies Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Social Work, Bachelor of Science Social Work (BSSW)
    Sociology: General Sociology, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Spanish Teaching, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Spanish, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Spanish for the Professions, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Special Education Academic and Behavioral Strategist, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Sport Management, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Statistics, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Statistics Actuarial Track, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Theatre Arts, Bachelor of Arts (BA)
    Theatre Arts Acting, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Theatre Arts Design Technology, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Theatre Arts Musical Theatre, Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)
    Theatre Arts, Bachelor of Science (BS)
    Integrated Engineering, Bachelor of Science, Engineering (BSE)
    Urban and Regional Studies, Bachelor of Science (BS)

프로그램 정보

수업 기간 52 Weeks


  • 특별히 없음

프로그램 일정

※ 프로그램 일정 개강일로 52주(달)기간을 선택할 수 있습니다.



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52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 20,328
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  • *시기와 비용은 대략적인 것이며 사전 공고없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

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숙박 옵션

  • 기본 객실 유형
    트리플 $5,895
    더블 $6,545
    싱글 $8,685
    3인용 스위트룸의 풀 배스 더블 $6,875
    3인 스위트의 풀 목욕 싱글 $9,120


  • 미네소타는 캐나다와 오대호 중 가장 큰 수페리어 호수에 접해 있는 미국 중서부의 주입니다. 그 주에는 미시시피 강의 주요 수원인 이타스카 호수를 포함한 10,000개 이상의 다른 호수들이 있습니다. 미니애폴리스의 "쌍둥이 도시"와 주의 주도인 세인트 폴은 미네소타 과학 박물관과 현대 미술관인 워커 아트 센터와 같은 문화적인 랜드마크들로 빽빽합니다.


  • 미네소타 주립 대학 캠퍼스는 현재 303에이커에 걸쳐 있는 30개의 건물을 포함하고 있습니다.캠퍼스에는 3,000명의 거주자를 위한 기숙사 형태의 캠퍼스 내 주택, 학술 건물, 메인 도서관, 음악 도서관, 2개의 천문대, 대체 에너지 및 재생 에너지를 위한 실험 연구소, 레크리에이션 센터, 육상 복합 시설, 학생 센터, 행정 센터 및 50에이커 이상의 육상 경기장이 포함됩니다.축구를 위한 블레이크슬리 경기장을 포함한 경기장들입니다. 미네소타 주립 매버릭스의 남녀 하키 팀들은 또한 캠퍼스 밖에 위치한 버라이즌 센터와 올 시즌즈 아레나에 행정 공간을 사용하고 있습니다.


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