1. Copy of their passport
2. Copy of their secondary school completion (or university transcripts/degree is applicable)
3. A copy of their financial support + sponsor certification (last page of the application) completed by student's sponsor (if applicable)
4. Transfer Clearance form (3rd page of the application) complete by her current school
5. pay the application fee online at: http://commerce.cashnet.com/ielp (Do not use this link if you want to use the online application)
6. https://www.pdx.edu/registration/sites/www.pdx.edu.registration/files/rec_release.pdf
패스워드 : RoseCityAgents
Information 릴리즈
1. 여권사본
2. 최종학력, 성적 증명서(영문)
3. 여권사진
4. 수속자관리카드작성
5. 학습계획서 영문 또는 중문 / 한국어 작성 A4 1-2장분량
6. 재정보증인이 부모님이실 경우 재정보증인 여권사본 , 가족관계증명서
대외한어 및 국제교육,예술계열전공
HSK 4급 180점 이상
HSK 4급 195점 이상
HSK 4급 210점 이상
HSK 5급 180점 이상
영어로 수업하는 전공일경우
IELTS 6.0 이상 또는 토플 80점 이상
(HSK 성적 필요하지않음)
February/March for a registration to the January Monthly Session and/or Semester 2
August/September for a registration to one or more monthly summer sessions
October for registration in Semester 1 or the annual course