수업 포커스 : Geneseo는 48개의 학부 전공, 5개의 석사 프로그램, 25개의 통합 부전공을 갖춘 공립 교양 대학입니다. 가장 인기 있는 전공은 내림차순으로 교육, 경영, 사회 과학, 생물학, 심리학입니다.
수업목표, 장점 : Geneseo의 모든 학부생은 연결된 세계를 위한 Geneseo 교육에 정의된 핵심 커리큘럼을 이수합니다. 모든 학생들은 최소 30학점 이상을 취득하여 의사소통, 과학적 탐구, 글로벌 사회 참여 분야에서 기본적인 성과를 달성하게 됩니다.
커리큘럼 : Undergraduate Majors Accounting American Studies Anthropology Applied Mathematics Applied Physics Art History Biochemistry Biology (B.A. and B.S.) Biology, Adolescence Education: Biology and General Education Biophysics Black Studies Business Administration Chemistry (B.A. and B.S.) Chemistry, Adolescence Education: Chemistry and Gen Science Chemistry, Chemical Engineering 5 Year 3+2 Childhood Education/Special Education Communication Comparative Literature Data Analytics Early Childhood/Childhood Education Economics English Creative WritingTrack Literature Track English, Adolescence Education Finance French French, Adolescence Education Geochemistry Geography Geological Sciences Environmental Geology Track Planetary Geology Track Geology Track Geological Sciences, Adolescence Education: Earth Science and General Science Geophysics History History, Adolescence Education: Social Studies Individualized Studies (B.A. and B.S.) International Relations Global Political Economy Track War and Peace Studies Track Regional and Comparative Studies Track Development and Sustainability Track Marketing Mathematics (B.A. and B.S.) Mathematics, Adolescence Education: Mathematics Music Jazz and American Music Studies Track Musicology Track Music Business, Recording, and Production Track Music Performance Track Musical Theatre (B.P.S. and B.A.) Neuroscience Philosophy Physics (B.A. and B.S.) Physics, Adolescence Education: Physics and General Science Physics, Engineering 5 Year 3+2 Political Science Psychology Sociology Sociomedical Sciences Spanish Spanish, Adolescence Education: Spanish Sustainability Studies Theatre Women's and Gender Studies |